Don't Scroll Past: Why You Shouldn't Ignore Grief Posts on Social Media

How often have you been scrolling through social media, laughing at jokes, admiring the latest fashion trends, or watching travel pics and dance crazes, only to be stopped by a post announcing that someone's beloved family member or close friend has died? What do you do next? Do you scroll by? Does your mood instantly shift? Do you feel compassion or awkwardness—how do you respond?

When someone shares the heartbreaking news of losing a loved one on social media, it's a moment that calls for empathy and support.

This blog is here to give you some food for thought on navigating these delicate moments, offering guidance for when you encounter death notices on social media. Let's explore how we can respond with empathy and support, meaningfully impacting grieving people.

Here are five compassionate ways to respond and why it's essential to show concern instead of scrolling by:

  • Avoid Clichés: Phrases like "They're in a better place" or "RIP" can sometimes seem dismissive. Instead, consider something more personal and heartfelt.

  • Offer Sincere Condolences: "I'm so sorry for your loss" can mean the world. It shows that you acknowledge their pain and are there for them, even if just virtually.

  • Share a Fond Memory: If you knew the deceased, share a positive memory or story. This can bring a moment of comfort and a smile amidst their grief.

  • Express Your Support: Let them know you're available.

  • Follow-up: Grief doesn't end after the funeral. Check in on them often.

Why It's Helpful to Show Concern

When someone posts about the death of a loved one, they are reaching out for support and connection. Scrolling past such posts can feel like ignoring their pain, while a kind response can provide much-needed comfort. Your words can make a significant difference, offering comfort when they need it.

The Importance of Learning Effective Ways to Support Grieving People

Organizations like The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc. offer valuable resources and education on effectively supporting those in grief. Understanding grief and knowing how to respond can make a profound difference in someone's healing journey. We can create a more compassionate and supportive community by learning these skills.

Remember, your support can help light the way through someone's darkest days. Let's always be there for each other.

Kinyatta E. Gray is a Certified Master Coach, Grief Educator, Author, and Founder of The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc. Gray writes about grief and loss for women grieving the loss of their mothers. The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc. exists to honor the memory of the late Beverly E. Carroll, Kinyatta's Mother.