Summer's Healing Power for Grieving Women

Summer's Healing Power for Grieving Women

Summer’s unique qualities offer a powerful and nurturing environment for women coping with grief. The warm weather and longer days provide countless opportunities for engagement, physical activity, and emotional expression, all of which are essential for healing and moving forward.

We recognize that grief is a journey, and everyone’s journey is different. There’s no season that makes grief more bearable, but if you’re open to it, here are 10 summer activities worth considering to support your healing:

1. Gardening

   - Why Helpful: Gardening can be therapeutic, providing a sense of nurturing and growth.

   - Impact: It allows for physical activity, time outdoors, and a connection to the life cycle, promoting healing.

2. Beach Walks

   - Why Helpful: The rhythmic sound of waves can be calming, and the beach environment can offer a sense of peace and vastness.

   - Impact: Walking on the beach provides exercise, fresh air, and a meditative atmosphere.

3. Yoga Classes

   -Why Helpful: Yoga combines physical movement, breathing exercises, and meditation, which can reduce stress and improve emotional well-being.

   - Impact: Summer offers opportunities for outdoor yoga, enhancing the experience with nature.

4. Traveling

   - Why Helpful: Traveling can provide a change of scenery and a break from daily routines that remind them of their loss.

   - Impact: Summer vacations can rejuvenate, offering new experiences and distractions from grief.

5. Volunteering

   - Why Helpful: Helping others can create a sense of purpose and community and distract from personal grief.

   - Impact: Many summer volunteer opportunities, like community events or environmental projects, are available and can be fulfilling.

6. Creative Arts (Painting, Writing)

   - Why Helpful: Engaging in creative activities allows for self-expression and can be a therapeutic outlet for emotions.

   - Impact: Summer's longer days provide more time and natural light for creative pursuits.

7. Joining a Support Group

   - Why Helpful: Sharing experiences with others who understand can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.

   Impact: Many support groups meet more frequently or hold special summer events that encourage social interaction.

8. Outdoor Concerts and Festivals

   - Why Helpful: Music and social gatherings can uplift spirits and provide a sense of normalcy and enjoyment.

   - Impact: Summer festivals offer a variety of cultural experiences that can be engaging and diverting.

9. Swimming or Water Sports

   - Why Helpful: Physical activity, especially in water, can be relaxing and invigorating, helping to relieve stress and improve mood.

   - Impact: Summer is the perfect time for swimming and water sports, often associated with joy and fun.

10. Hiking and Nature Walks

    - Why Helpful: Being in nature can be grounding and provide a sense of connection to something larger than oneself.

    - Impact: Summer weather makes exploring natural parks and trails easier, encouraging physical activity and contemplation.

Impact of Seasonal Change to Summer on Grief

  1. Longer Days: Extended daylight hours can improve mood and provide more activity time.

  2. Increased Social Activities: Summer often means more social gatherings, which can help counter feelings of isolation.

  3. Warm Weather: Pleasant weather encourages outdoor activities, which can boost mental and physical health.

  4. Nature's Renewal: Summer's growth and vibrancy can symbolize renewal and hope, offering comfort to those grieving.

Summer's unique qualities can thus play a significant role in supporting grieving women by providing opportunities for engagement, physical activity, and emotional expression, all of which are crucial for coping with loss and moving forward.

Kinyatta E. Gray is a Certified Master Coach, Grief Educator, Author, and Founder of The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc. Gray writes about grief and loss for women grieving the loss of their mothers. The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc. exists to honor the memory of the late Beverly E. Carroll, Kinyatta's Mother.