What You Need is Grief Support - Not a Facebook "Like"

What You Need is Grief Support, Not a Facebook "Like": An Invitation to Join the DMV Grief Club

As a certified life coach and grief awareness educator, I am writing to address a common misconception about grief support on social media platforms, particularly Facebook. While Facebook can be an excellent tool for connecting with others, it may not always provide the depth of support needed when navigating the complex journey of grief. 

Grief is a profound and deeply personal experience. It can feel like a heavy burden, one that is often misunderstood or overlooked by others. Posting about your feelings associated with grief on Facebook may seem like a good idea, but it usually results in a lack of genuine support, leaving you feeling unheard and unsupported.

Here's why:

1. Lack of Personal Connection: While Facebook connects us with hundreds or thousands of people, these connections are often superficial. The depth of understanding and empathy required to support someone in grief may not be present.

2. Misunderstanding of Grief: Many people have a limited understanding of grief and may not know how to respond appropriately to your posts and will literally scroll right past your painful posts. This can result in insensitive comments or reactions that can exacerbate feelings of isolation.

3. Privacy Concerns: Grief is a deeply personal experience, and sharing it on a public platform like Facebook can feel exposing and uncomfortable. 

4. Inadequate Response: A 'like' or a brief comment on a post may not provide the level of support you need. God forbid someone comments with the three letters I despise the most: "RIP." This sends my blood boiling due to the lack of sensitivity and sincerity. I mean, can you NOT think of anything else comforting to say? Grief requires more than just a quick reaction; it requires understanding, empathy, and ongoing support.

This is why I want to invite women navigating the grief journey to join the DMV Grief Club support group on Facebook. This group is a safe and supportive space to share your experiences, feelings, and grief-related struggles. 

Kinyatta Gray The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc  Founder , The DMV Grief Club, Grief Resources

In the DMV Grief Club, we understand the complexities of grief. We offer a supportive community where you can express your feelings without judgment, receive understanding and empathy, and connect with others on a similar journey. 

Grief can feel like a heavy burden, but remember, you do not have to carry this burden alone. There are people who understand, care, and want to support you. 

In the face of grief, we are stronger together. Join us in the DMV Grief Club, and let's navigate this journey together.

With love and support,


Kinyatta E. Gray founded The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc, Flights In Stilettos and InHer Bliss Life Coaching. Gray is also an award-winning entrepreneur and won the prestigious title of Nexstar Media Group's Remarkable Woman of the Year in 2023 in Washington, DC.