The Journey ...Planting A Tree for Miss Bee at THEARC in D.C.

I’ve made a commitment to honoring my mom’s legacy as much as I can and as long as I can.

Today I visited her past employer, THEARC, to discuss where a tree should be planted in her honor!

This is the 1st time ever that THEARC (a multimillion dollar complex in the heart of SE, DC that she was apart of standing up) has ever honored a staff member in this manner!

When I tell you my mom was loved by all - she was.

I wrote a letter directly to one of THEARC’s founding members about my mission and without hesitation it was approved.

You don’t have to grieve like me, you don’t have to exert the same energy that I have to honor your departed loved one — unless you want to.

I don’t share my personal stories for you to measure your grief against mine, I share them to inspire those who want to honor their departed loved ones but don’t know how or don’t have the support to do so.

Your departed loved one is still with you in spirit, what’s no longer here is their temporary shell - their body. What you loved, and what nurtured you, was their spirit.

Here’s the backstory (video) on why planting this tree at THEARC is so important: Miss Bee’s Tree

Be inspired and follow my journey planting the tree for my Miss Bee!
