The Silent Admiration: Why People Imitate You But Never Acknowledge You

The Silent Admiration: Why People Imitate You But Never Acknowledge You

Have you ever noticed that people around you subtly copy your style, ideas, or habits, but they never seem to acknowledge it? It's a strange phenomenon. It's as if they silently admire you, yet they never give you the credit you deserve. Let's delve into why this happens and how to handle it.

Firstly, it's essential to understand that this saying "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" is complete bullshit. I vehemently reject that.

Everyone is inspired by something or someone; we can agree on this. But copying someone else's creativity without giving them credit and treating them like your competition is just wrong and ridiculous.

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it is also the shortest route to mediocracy. Think for yourself. Forge your own path. ~ Charlie Daniels

When people copy you, it's because they admire something about you. They see something in you that they wish to emulate. This could be your style, your creativity, your work ethic, or even your attitude. They see these qualities as desirable and worth replicating. And this is okay if you acknowledge the person you admire and wish to copy. Hell, they may give you tips on how to get where you're trying to go!

However, why don't they acknowledge it? There could be several reasons.

  1. One could be insecurity. They might feel insecure about their own abilities or ideas, so they borrow from others. Acknowledging that they are copying you would mean admitting their own insecurities, which can be difficult for many people.

  2. Another reason could be competition. In a competitive environment, whether it's at work or in social circles, people might copy others to gain an edge. Acknowledging that they are copying you would mean admitting that they see you as a threat or superior, which, again, can be hard for many people to do.

So, how should you handle this situation? Seeing others benefiting from your ideas or style without giving you credit can be frustrating.

However, it's important to remember that their actions are a testament to your influence and impact.

You set trends and inspire others, even if they don't admit it.

Instead of getting frustrated, use this as motivation to continue being innovative and authentic.

I can't emphasize this enough: when appropriate, trademark and copyright your work and creativity to protect it.

Keep pushing boundaries and setting trends. The more you do this, the more people will want to emulate you. Eventually, they will start to acknowledge your influence, or they will get called out! Social Media is a brutal playground for those who steal other people's creativity.

In conclusion, people secretly admire and copy you because they see something in you that they wish to emulate. While it can be frustrating not to receive acknowledgment, remember that their actions are a testament to your influence and impact. Use this as motivation to continue being your authentic self.

Kinyatta E. Gray is the founder of The Heart of Miss Bee, Inc., a non-profit organization that helps women understand grief and how to cope with grief through tools such as journaling. Gray is also the founder of FlightsInStilettos, an award-winning luxury beach towel brand and business.