You Have Every Right to Celebrate Mother's Day. She Was Here… Coping with Motherless Mother's Day
As Mother's Day approaches every year since my mother's passing in 2018, I feel mixed emotions. I'm happy for those who still have a mom on earth to celebrate and saddened that I'll never experience a traditional mothers day ever.
As I have done since her passing, I bury myself in work to distract me from the inevitable…waking up on May 8th without the ability to hold her, kiss her, talk to her, laugh with her, share jokes with her, glean her wisdom and simply just be with her, be her only daughter.
Over the years since her passing, I have advocated for the motherless never to abandon the spirit of their loved ones and to find creative and helpful ways to honor their legacy.
As we embark upon my 3rd Mother's Day without my mom, I still bury myself with work to dull the sting of missing her. But, I also acknowledge that Mother's Day will always be a day dedicated to honoring, remembering, loving, celebrating, and acknowledging her heavenly existence and how much she is loved and matters to me.
However, the sadness is gradually being replaced by accepting that our mother/daughter relationship is as intact as ever. After all, I still talk to her, laugh when I remember her sense of humor, savor all of the wisdom nuggets she shared, imagine her hugging me, and I'm able to visit her still…in her eternal garden.
Let this blog encourage you to go forth, push through your emotions and understand you still have a mother who's expecting her Heavenly Mother's Day.
Kinyatta E. Gray is a published author and FlightsInStilettos founder.
Disclaimer: Gray is not a mental health provider. If you are experiencing traumatic feelings, please consult with a mental health professional. Gray is providing this information based on her personal experience.
My mom was so proud of me, ALWAYS and Unconditionally. I miss and love her.